Technology Services (Teledata) (Communication Installer 1-6 are on the JATC website)


You must meet the Rules of Referral in order to be eligible for the following jobs.

The information listed herein relating to type of work, duration, and overtime status is provided only as a courtesy to help the applicant in choosing a job. There is no guarantee that the same job conditions will exist when you report to work. You always have the right to refuse to accept any job, but once you accept a referral you will not be placed back in your original position on the Available-for-Work List in accordance with the referral procedures. Jobs will be posted around 4:00 pm daily for the following work day. 

Day Book Signing is between 8:30 am to 9:30 am Monday through Friday ONLY. If you sign outside of the 8:30 - 9:30 am time frame, it will be DELETED! 
February 17, 2025

**Metro Zone **


2          Adventist Health Care           CABLING SYSTEMS                      9500 Medical Center Dr

            Foreman: John Narron                           45218                                       Gaithersburg, MD

            Start Time & Date: 6:00am   02/18/2025        

Approx. Duration: 6 months

Type of Work:    Low voltage cabling

** Contact shop prior to reporting to jobsite **


Technician -or- Senior Technician with BICSI

4          Multiple                                 NTI - National Technologies          10659 Gateway Blvd

            Foreman: Devon Johnson               45158                                            Manassas, VA

            Start Time & Date: 6:00am   02/18/2025        

Approx. Duration: 6 months

Type of Work:    blueprints, fiber optic, copper cable, label cables, install racks, build overhead conveyance

** Contact shop prior to reporting to jobsite **

** Applicant must be able to read blueprints, run fiber optic and copper cable, label cables, install racks, build overhead conveyance **


Senior Technician with BICSI

1          FVA                                         TRICORE SYSTEMS                 10432 Patriot Highway

            Foreman: Dave Hummer                   44999                                    Fredericksburg, VA

            Start Time & Date: 6:00am   02/18/2025        

Approx. Duration:  TBD

Type of Work:    Installation and termination of communications cabling

** Contact shop prior to reporting to jobsite **


Senior Technician with BICSI

1          NTI HQ                                    TRICORE SYSTEMS                 40 W Gude Drive

            Foreman: Dave Hummer                   44998                                    Rockville, MD

            Start Time & Date: 6:00am   02/18/2025        

Approx. Duration:  TBD

Type of Work:    Installation and termination of communications cabling

** Contact shop prior to reporting to jobsite **

** Shenandoah Zone **


** Roanoke Zone **



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